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Crochet Instructor Training
Welcome to the ACA! (0:52)
How To Use This Website
Usage Policy (5:17)
What To Teach: Crochet Standards to Follow
Universal Crochet Guidelines, Standards, and Terms (7:12)
What are the levels of crochet skill? (3:23)
What should I teach, and in what order? (8:51)
What is the best way to teach crochet pattern reading? (5:19)
How To Teach: Strategies for Success
What materials are needed to teach crochet? (2:42)
How many people should I teach at a time? (2:42)
How long should each beginner crochet lesson be? (1:15)
What if my student already knows a little crochet? (1:53)
What if my student is left handed?
How can I keep students coming back for all lessons? (2:43)
Where should I give crochet lessons? (2:06)
Business Resources: Build Your Brand
Marketing and Promotions (2:58)
What shop policies should I adopt? (5:03)
Should I be online? (1:32)
Do I need a community? (2:18)
Do I need a certificate to teach crochet? (1:33)
What's after beginner crochet lessons? (3:07)
What patterns can I use to teach crochet? (1:23)
What if my student is really slow? (0:39)
What is a good first project to learn crochet? (1:10)
When should we teach children to crochet? (0:47)
Should I use this teaching style with friends? (0:48)
How much should I charge for crochet lessons? (1:09)
When should I take payment? (0:35)
What if crochet is painful? (1:33)
Getting Started (0:36)
Flyers (2:37)
Student Checklists (3:41)
Student Agreement and Lesson Tracker (4:08)
Emails: Follow Up Sequences (1:50)
Tool Kit: Patterns to Teach Crochet
Getting Started (0:59)
Lesson 1: Holding yarn & hook + slip knot + chain + half double
Lesson 2: Double + Single
Lesson 3: Rows
Lesson 4: Tubes
Lesson 5: Increasing Rounds
Post Resources
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Certificate of Completion
What materials are needed to teach crochet?
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